We also have a ministry of healing and deliverance
and many people who have been laid aside as lost
causes by the medical profession have been
restored and healed by the Lord Jesus Christ
through the ministry of the 'Come Back to God' Campaign
and have been able to return to useful occupations.
At our head quarters on the west coast of Scotland, we run conferences,
have our own print shop and recording studio, plus our catering
department undertakes to provide for wedding receptions, anniversary
meals etc, either here at Adelaide College or at outside venues as requested.
At the inception of this work the Lord led our founder the Rev Dennis
Paterson into a ministry of Healing and Deliverance, which has been
ongoing ever since.
The headquarters here in Saltcoats are also the home of Adelaide
College where we train men and women of all ages and educational abilities,
to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Training and Instruction in healing and
deliverance ministry is part of the College course.