Become a Prayer Supporter

The ‘Come back to God’ Campaign relies on the support of its
prayer base to support the work in whatever way they feel they

The 'Come Back to God' Campaign sends out our Teamwork
Magazine and Prayer Calendar bi-monthly in order to keep our
prayer supporters as up-to-date as possible with events
happening here in Saltcoats.

You will recieve news regularly about the latest happenings here in Scotland, as well as prayer updates and things we
really need God to undertake for.

Prayer is the most effective form of support anyone can give, as it sends our needs and petitions directly to God! We would
value any and all prayers you feel could help us as we strive to do God’s will daily.

If you're interested, simply contact us, either through Email or through the form on the Contact Us page, leaving with us your Name and Address and we will add you to our Prayer Supporter list!


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