
What is a Campaign Conference?

A week long event for individuals, couples,
families or even whole churches to spend time
with God, hear His Word and have a holiday.
Each conference is on a full-board basis with
every meal including waiter service.

When and where do these take place?

Conferences are held in May, July and August
in Adelaide College, the H.Q. of the ‘Come Back
To God’ Campaign, Saltcoats, on the beautiful West Coast of Scotland.

What happens?

The primary importance of a Campaign Conference is to hear the Word of God.
This is brought to us each morning, either by a guest speaker of a group’s
choosing, or by one of our experienced ministers/lecturers.
Afternoons are left free for people to enjoy our seafront location,
with local amenities (swimming pool, ice rink, cinema, soft play areas,
sandy beaches, shops, bowling alley and public transport) all within easy walking distance.

Each night there is entertainment provided, with drama, singing, family fun evening and a
seven-course banquet, ending on the final evening with Communion.

Special time is given to those who come in need of counselling and prayer throughout the week.


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